Friday, October 22, 2010

Caroline presented before our church

This past Sunday we decided to present Caroline before our church.  We work with lots of churches here in Managua but this is the place where we attend Sunday mornings and what we consider as our home church in Nicaragua.  The pastor presented Caroline to the congregation and shared about how biblically we as parents and the church, the body of Christ, are responsible for instructing her in God's ways.  The pastor prayed for her and we as parents and the church agreed to be the example of Christ in Caroline's life.  We desire for God's word and the Holy Spirit working in us to impact Caroline with His love.  We pray that in the future as she learns about the grace and forgiveness found in Christ she will put her faith in Him and be saved.  

Pastor's Conference 2010

The pastor's conference, took place Oct. 7th-9th, was a great time of encouragement, fellowship, and equipping for pastors, church leaders, and their wives.  In all we had 92 people attend, 64 men (48 pastors and 16 church leaders) and 28 woman (22 pastor's wives and 6 youth leaders).  There were teaching sessions for men and for women, a fellowship outing, funny ice breakers, and prizes.  Many pastors and church leaders were able to reconnect after not seeing one another for a long time.  During the last session there was a time for the pastors to share and many expressed how they enjoyed it and want to encourage their other pastor friends to come next year.  It's exciting to see pastor's challenged spiritually because that impacts many churches all across Nicaragua!  Praise God for this opportunity and the way He touches hearts and lives in order to reach more with the news of Christ!


Thursday, October 21, 2010

On mission with Caroline

Yesterday Jader, Caroline, and I all went to Pricesmart, it's kinda like a Sams, in order to buy the food for a high school retreat.  Jader and I have been to Pricesmart so many times, but having Caroline with us just made it so sweet. 

Caroline is one month old today and she's been learning how to be a baby on the go.  She's gone to a Pastor's Conference, church services, bible studies, team meetings, and much more.  Our desire is for Caroline to naturally be a part of our lives and ministry here.  It would be easy to say I have a baby now and that means not attending activities, not participating as much in the ministry, etc.  There is nothing wrong with that either but we're striving towards Caroline and I being involved as much as possible.  Here are some pictures from our outing to Pricesmart.  :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Cute Caroline

She enjoys sleeping a lot.

Conference for Pastors

This upcoming Tuesday through Thursday, Oct. 5th-7th, we'll be hosting a conference for pastors in a retreat center in San Marcos, a little outside of Managua. The conference has been put together by a church in the U.S. and they are sending a group of leaders here to give teachings and materials to build up Nicaraguan church leaders and their wives. This church has hosted the pastor's conference in many different countries of the world and we are excited for them to do their first conference here in Nicaragua. Please be praying for many in church leadership to be able to attend and that it would be a great time of blessing and equipping.