We had prayed for months before relocating to a new apartment. We wanted God's direction and confirmation and finally we sensed both. We excitedly moved into our new apartment only to realize that others were already occupying it, and I'm not referring to people! We heard scratching sounds, crawling, and squeaking coming from the ceiling above in every room of the apartment. We found bat guano falling into the home! At first we thought they were rats, and we told the landlord. He assuredly said, "No, they're not rats. We don't have rats. They're just bats." I thought to myself, "Just bats!!!"
We began to pray and look for other apartment options yet we came to a point where we felt a peace about staying. 3 months went by of cohabiting with these winged mammals and then God answered our prayers. Neighbors were moving out from downstairs so that allowed us to move into their bat free apartment! The place wasn't going to be available until after our trip to the U.S. though.
On our evening flight from the U.S. back to Nicaragua thoughts came to mind of the state of our apartment. It hasn't been lived in for 6 weeks and we were sure the bats were having a party. Our ministry director and his family picked us up from the airport and took us home. Guillermo, the director, had the key to the new apartment so he said we should take a look at it before heading up to our apartment.
As we entered the downstairs apartment we were suprised to see all of our furniture already moved in!!! The place was immaculately cleaned, flowers were on the table and a "Welcome Jader and Julie"sign was on the wall! The Word of Life Nicaragua team had completely moved us into our new apartment a few days before our arrival!!
What amazing love! It is such a relief to live free of bats!